Blog the Weight Away… My Introduction

I am joining the “Blog the Weight Away” challenge by Lauren at 4BabyAndMom. I am so excited about this. Today is my introduction post.

Alicia in 2005- Weight 120 pounds

Alicia in 2010- Weight 179.8 pounds

My goals throughout this journey:

1) Lose 50 pounds

2) Go to the gym at least 4 days a week

3) Eat healthier

My rewards for achieving my goals:

1) One dessert a week for every week I go to the gym 4 days

2) One new item of clothing for every 10 pounds lost

3) A new wardrobe when I lose 50 pounds


I believe in myself. I know that I can meet my goals.

I also believe in all the other women that have committed to this challenge because if a woman is willing to put her weight online you know she is serious about succeeding. I do have three teammates that I will introduce you to next week.

I want to thank my friends and family ahead of time for supporting me through this journey :)

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