2012 Resolutions {$25 Visa Gift Card Giveaway}

In 2012 I plan to:

1) Take one day off of blogging and working per week so I can spend more time with my children.

2) Have “mommy” time at least once a week because I deserve it.

3) Purge unused items in my home because I am tired of piles of clutter.

4) Save money by cutting our spending by 5% because we need a larger emergency fund than the one we have.

5) Learn more about Autism so I can be a better advocate for my children

6) Take more pictures using a decent camera because the pictures taken with my cell phone camera print out horrible.

7) Have date night at least twice a month to rekindle our romance.

8) Make healthier snack choices because I want to love my body.

9) Spend more time with family and friends because I don’t spend enough time with them.

10) Work towards my bigger goals at least once a week because if I don’t I will never reach my life goals.


Want to share your true resolutions?

Trop50 True Resolutions celebrates the real reasons behind New Year’s resolutions. Share your secret motivation behind your resolutions and you’ll earn a coupon for $1 off Trop50 for yourself and 50¢ off coupons for up to 50 of your friends. You can even submit incognito with a fierce disguise. Bonus: Whether you submit a resolution or not, you can also enter a sweepstakes to win a $1000 gift card.


One reader will win a $25 Visa gift card and coupons for free Trop50.


Share one of your resolutions in the comments below.


(Do any or all of the following, leave a comment for each you do)

1)  Share this giveaway on a social network

2) Follow @TropicanaOJ on Twitter

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6) Subscribe by RSS or email (look in upper right corner)

7) Enter another one of my giveaways (they can be found here)

Giveaway ends February 4, 2012 at 11:59pm Central time. US Only.

(Disclosure: I was compensated for this post but all thoughts are my own. This giveaway is not associated with Facebook in any way.)

This post is linked to Oh Amanda’s Top 10 Tuesday.

2011 Goals

I am excited about 2011 and everything that the new year will bring. I have made goals for myself and decided to focus on 3 goals in each area of my life. I am sharing them with you all in hopes that you will keep me accountable because I will updating my progress through the year :)

PERSONAL GOALS- Focus on the positive, spend 30 minutes a day relaxing away from the computer, read one book a month

MOMMY GOALS- Potty train both boys, take more pictures and scrapbook at least four pages a month, write in a memory journal for the boys

RELATIONSHIP GOALS- Date night once a week, do one nice deed for each other daily, more positive comments

SPIRITUAL GOALS- Devotions daily, return to regular Church attendance, read the whole Bible

BLOG GOALS- Include more “life” posts, get better at replying to comments, have two weeks of posts scheduled ahead

WORK GOALS- Full-time position by the end of the year, at least three SM marketing accounts a month, run one blogger review program a month

HEALTH GOALS- Limit pop to one a day, eat healthier, 30 minutes of activity five times a week

HOME GOALS- Keep house “company ready”, finish unpacking and organizing, stick to my cleaning routine

FINANCIAL GOALS- Set up an emergency fund, pay all bills on time, make and follow a budget monthly

HOMESCHOOLING GOALS- Do Tot School four times a week, make a lesson plan weekly and post it, decide between homeschooling Jake or putting him in preschool (or doing a combination of both)

FAMILY GOALS- Spend time with family weekly, call family more often, get to know extended family better

FRIENDSHIP GOALS- Spend time with friends weekly, attend a mom’s night once a month, call or email a friend once a week

GIVING GOALS- Donate/tithe monthly, volunteer four hours a month, do an act of service for a friend or loved one a month


Have you written your goals down? I’d love for you to share them in the comments below or if you blog enter you post in the linky below! (To view the linky click on the link below)


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From Frumpy To Fab

This week I joined the “Frumpy to Fab” challenge over at ‘A Proverbs Wife’.

Since I was pregnant with Jacob in 2008 I have pretty much lived in sweats and t-shirts (when I wasn’t working). I wanted to focus on six things this week (in regards to my appearance):

1) I wanted to not wear sweats at all unless I was cleaning

2) I wanted to wear some actual pajamas to bed at least two nights instead of the extra large, keep-me-warm sweats I normally wear

3) I wanted to paint my toenails since it was getting nicer out and I would be wearing sandals

4) I wanted to wear jewelry at least half the days

5) I wanted to wear a full face of makeup everyday

6) I wanted to keep my legs hairless all week. Yes, that would mean shaving which is (embarrassingly) something that is pretty rare for me to do in the winter now that I am a mom.

The challenge technically ended today (which is why I am posting today) but I plan on continuing this through Sunday. I am on track to meet all of these appearance goals and I have to admit, it feels great taking care of myself again!

Blog the Weight Away… My Introduction

I am joining the “Blog the Weight Away” challenge by Lauren at 4BabyAndMom. I am so excited about this. Today is my introduction post.

Alicia in 2005- Weight 120 pounds

Alicia in 2010- Weight 179.8 pounds

My goals throughout this journey:

1) Lose 50 pounds

2) Go to the gym at least 4 days a week

3) Eat healthier

My rewards for achieving my goals:

1) One dessert a week for every week I go to the gym 4 days

2) One new item of clothing for every 10 pounds lost

3) A new wardrobe when I lose 50 pounds


I believe in myself. I know that I can meet my goals.

I also believe in all the other women that have committed to this challenge because if a woman is willing to put her weight online you know she is serious about succeeding. I do have three teammates that I will introduce you to next week.

I want to thank my friends and family ahead of time for supporting me through this journey :)

MckLinky Blog Hop

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My main goals for 2010

I am very excited to start this new year. I’m looking forward to my best year ever! (ok, I keep hearing that from everyone but it’s true!) I’m a very goal-oriented person so I always keep a goal list that I update a few times a year. Kind of like my bucket list , I guess. Since I have hundreds of goals on that list I decided to focus on a select number of them in 2010.

Goal #1- Read the whole Bible in 90 days. To find out more about this program you can go here or here. This challenge is listed first because it starts today. I am very excited to do this but am also nervous because it is a big task. I’ve never read the Bible all the way through, let alone in 90 days. I think it is an achievable goal this year because of two main things: 1) I’m doing it with other moms who will hold me accountable and 2) it’s only about 12 pages a day! Wow. Reading the Bible had always seemed like such a huge task and I would have guessed it would take 30-40 pages a day to read it in just 90 days, but 12? That’s easy. Ok, well maybe not easy, but manageable with two kids and a career. (Update: My sister just read the first day’s reading as I was typing this post and it took her less than 20 minutes…)

Goal #2- Save half of our income. This will probably be the hardest goal that I have set for myself. I have always been a “shopaholic” who can’t resist a good “deal” (check out my dad’s blog post about me) but I have decided that is going to change this year. Part of why we moved in with my dad was to save for a house and in the past six months we have only saved about $500. In my defense we did have to fix our two cars, but in reality we had an extra income these past few months so those repairs should have come from that. I am still working on a budget and hoping there is some spending money but if not I will just have to learn to live with less.

Goal #3- Keep my house “company ready” (though really it needs to get to that point before I can keep it there). It doesn’t have to be spotless but it would be nice to know that if someone happened to stop by my home I wouldn’t be embarrassed to let them in the door. And it would be even better if they could look in my closets, cupboards, etc and they would be organized, too. The first step towards this goal is to finish unpacking from our August move. Our two car garage is so filled with boxes that only one car can barely fit in. Eventually I would like to have a weekly cleaning list, too.

Goal #4- Work on my relationships. With Sinisa I would like to make couple time a priority since it’s rare we are both home without the boys being awake. With my mom I would like to work on communication. With my friends I would like to focus on seeing them once a week whether it’s at playdates or mom’s nights.

Goal #5- Become a “better” blogger. This includes blogging more often than I have in the past (I am aiming for 3-5 times a week), building relationships with other bloggers, reading and commenting on other blogs, and looking into how I can improve the look of my blog.

Goal #6- Do something for myself daily. This “something” could be as little as taking a nice, hot relaxing shower to getting a pedicure to scrapbooking. Just a daily thing to remind myself that I am special :)

What are your goals for 2010?

A new year… new goals

Ok so I haven’t posted anything in months… since March to be exact. Wow a lot has happened since then… Just some short updates- I had my second child, lost my (step)mom, my family moved in with my father and little sister, and I went back to work full time.

My second child is a little boy, Lucas, and he turned six months old on Christmas day. Amazing how fast the time flies! He is absolutely adorable and Jacob is a great big brother. Jacob is 18 months now and growing smarter everyday. I am in awe of these boys.

My mom passed away in June overnight. It was extremely hard for me. One day I was over at her house spending the day with her and then early the next morning I find out she had passed away the night before (probably due to a seizure- she had epilepsy). The worst part was that Jake was in the room when she passed and I just pray he doesn’t remember any of it. The best part- I know my mom is in Heaven and during the wake and funeral we found out just how many lives she had touched.

In August, the boys, Sinisa, and I moved in with my dad and sister. It’s been such a blessing to us and I believe to my father and sister as well. It’s hard after living by myself for so long but it is best for our family right now.

In November, I returned back to work full time. This had never been my intention as I had always planned to be a stay at home mom. To my surprise I love working and I love my job. I promote my dad’s company through social media mainly and it is an awesome job. Seriously, I spend most of my day on twitter, facebook, linked in, blogs, etc. The best part is that I get to come home and have lunch with my boys everyday and if I need time off it’s no problem.

Ok, so enough excuses of where I have been these past months… I am back and more excited than ever to start blogging again :) Starting in the New Year expect to see new posts 3-5 times a week. I will include updates on my goals, insights into my life, and am looking forward to doing a lot of linkups with daily themes. This is going to be awesome and I hope you will join me as I journey through motherhood and not only strive to be a great mother, but a great woman as well :)

August 17, 2008

I failed. I did not get everything done on my list. I did, however, succeed. How do you fail and succeed at the same time you might ask. Well I might not have accomplished everything on my list but the fact that I even finished one project, instead of sitting around watching TV and playing on the computer, shows growth in this procrastinator. I ran some errands, washed and put away all Jacob’s laundry, cleaned up the nursery, almost finished setting up my scrapbook area, cleaned out a file cabinet, organized all of S’s paperwork, vacuumed, and put the rest of Jacob’s older clothes in bins by size. I also spent time with my son, my fiance, my sister in law, my nephew, and my mom. I guess looking back I did do quite a lot. I think that I make unrealistic expectations as to what I can get done each day. I always wish each day had even just one more hour. Why can’t we have 25 hour days? Then again if we had 25 hour days I would want 26 hour days.

Today’s challenge: Look at your to-do list… Are you planning for a 24 hour day or a 25 hour one?

August 7, 2008

I’ve been trying to spend less time on the computer and more time with my family and working towards my goals. Up until now I have been thinking of maternity leave as a vacation, knowing I would have to return to work. Recently though, I realized that my maternity leave may become my life for the next few years. It’s looking more and more like I am going to be a stay at home mom because my part-time availability won’t work for my job. I will find out for sure tomorrow. It will be sad to leave all of the wonderful people that I work with but it will be wonderful to watch my son grow up. I decided that if I’m staying at home I need to come up with daily plans for myself so that I don’t just waste the days away. I want to find new ways to entertain Jacob and continue to learn more about childcare and best practices for things like learning two languages, potty training, and any other topics that may come up as he grows. I want to spend more time with my family than I have in the past. I hope to keep busy and enrich my personal life with mom’s groups, hobbies (writing, reading, scrapbooking), fall tv shows (so many I can’t even begin to list my faves), and achieving all of my goals. I think this will be a positive experience for me. Please understand if I don’t post everyday. I am still trying to figure out how this all will work but am excited about sharing my journey with everyone.

August 5, 2008

Looking back at my post yesterday I realized I did not share the biggest news of the day…. my son was two months old!!! (bad mommy!) I can’t believe that I gave birth to him that long ago. I wrote him a letter last night telling him all of the new things he had started doing over the past month (smiling, noticing toys, and um, headbutting). I am so proud of him each day like I guess all parents are. OH and you will never believe what I did today… I hurt my child! Physically hurt him! It was an accident and I ended up crying more than he did. See he woke up this morning with a huge scratch right in between his eyes because his nails were long because someone (that would be me) is afraid that I will get some of his skin in the clippers. So I decided I could not wait any longer because he was getting his picture taken today and I didn’t want him to scratch up his face even more. I clipped one nail, then two, then three, then four and ahhhhhhhh!!!! clipped some of his skin. His face, the look was what made me feel the worst. It was like “how could you do this to me mommy?” And then the blood. Just the tiniest bit but I had made my child bleed. He’s fine now thank God. I know he won’t remember the time when mommy got his skin in the nail clippers but I still felt bad.

Tonight I went on a date with my wonderful fiance ( I actually got to use one of my 50 million cute purses). I had received a gift card to Chilis for my birthday (thanks to my mil) so we decided to use it. The food was so good. It was nice spending time with him. In other relationship news, we are starting the “21 Day Complaint Free Marriage Experiment” (www.simplemarriage.net -sorry I’m new to blogging and don’t know how to make this clickable so you are just going to need to copy and paste). As much as my fiance does for me I know I still find things to complain about so hopefully this experiment will remind me to keep my words positive.

Other than starting that experiment, today was my first day of my competition with my sister in law to see who can lose the most weight in three months. I had debated about putting my weight on here for everyone to see but screw it… please keep in mind I just had a baby… and don’t laugh when I tell you… 173.8. Wow I can’t believe I just wrote this down and am going to publish this. Anways, back to what I was saying. Yes, that’s how much I weigh and I haven’t yet determined how much I want to lose per week. I don’t even know what’s healthy and realistic to lose. I think I started today off ok. I didn’t exercise because I wanted to spend as much time with my family as possible (my man works two jobs and it’s been over a month since he’d had a day off). Today I have had: ham sandwich with mustard and cheese, crispy chicken salad, two rootbeers, one strawberry daiquri (yum), and a cup of chocolate skim milk. Oh and I had half a scoop of vanilla ice cream, almost forgot that. My food choices weren’t the best but on the positive side, I didn’t snack on anything.

Today’s challenge: Remind your partner of one thing that makes them fantastic. If you are single then tell a family member/roommate one thing that makes them great. :) Have a wonderful day!

August 4, 2008

So I am a week into my quest to improve myself and am doing great with my list of goals. I have completed two items so far (play the lottery and go out for ice cream). They are little but it feels great to cross them off. I have started many of the other items. I am reviewing my list each evening to see what I have done that day and to come up with some ideas of what I would like to do the next day. This method is working quite well for me. I would like to point out that, while I made this list in a couple days, I have given myself three years to complete it. I will not change overnight nor will I fully develop in the next three years. I am a work in progress and I hope everyone will give me the opportunity to grow and evolve into the person I’d like to be.

I’m so excited to be starting towards one of my bigger goals tomorrow. I set a goal to lose 50 pounds in three years. I recently had a child and I put on 50 pounds during this pregnancy. I have already lost about 25 through having the baby, breastfeeding, and being in the hospital (twice) where the food was not appetizing. I figure if I lose 50 more pounds I will be around the size I was when I left college. This past week has been filled with many bad food choices (among them-oreos) and only one trip to the gym. I hope to improve my eating habits and go to the gym 3/4 times a week. All this being said, I’m starting towards the goal tomorrow because my sister-in-law and I are having a contest to see who can lose the most weight in the next three months. There is no prize except for the satisfaction of competition and winning. I think this is what we both need to motivate ourselves and move us towards our fitness goals. We start in the morning when we will each weigh ourselves. I have yet to decide how I will update my progress because y’all know I am not going to put my weight up here. It’s downright embarrassing that I’ve gained all this weight and the fact that I am going to lose it does not change the fact that it’s here now.

Oooh and I’ve also decided that I’m going to have a daily goal for everyone to complete. Today’s goal is think of ten things that you are thankful for and list them in the comment section.

My ten:

1) family

2) friends

3) oreos

4) lists

5) candles during a storm

6) my digital camera (thanks mom and Jen!)

7) my son’s smile

8) the internet

9) cute stationary to write letters on

10) anyone who reads this blog!!!

July 31, 2008

I spent a whole day thinking about what I wanted to do in regards to my work situation. I weighed the pros and cons and looked into multiple different options. At first I was discouraged and worried but now I have comfort in knowing I’ve made the right choice for my family. What is that choice you ask? For now it’s a secret but you will know within the week.

Other than that large decision and a bunch of smaller ones that you don’t want to read about (ie. I am going to switch car insurance and what my cleaning schedule looks like) not much happened. I have decided that I am going to start another blog based on “home” related topics like organization and frugal living. This will be up within the next couple weeks and I will provide a link to it.

As for my goals, I am working hard to make sure I do something that is on my list at least a couple times a day. This list holds me responsible because when I update it every evening people can see if I am slacking or not. I’ve said this before but I highly recommend lists if you aren’t as productive as you would like to be.

July 30, 2008

For the past couple of years I had been living day to day with no purpose. I went to work but other than that I did not have a drive to really do anything. I stopped hanging out with friends, stopped pursuing activities that were important to me, and basically lost part of what made me who I was. I assumed that I had just “changed” and did not find these things important anymore. I have found out recently that yes, I’ve changed, but I still have a longing for parts of the old me back. What made me think about these things were various websites I’ve found online in the past few weeks that talk about goal setting, communication, organization, and topics of similar nature. I started thinking about what I wanted to accomplish in the next three years and realized that I had many of the same dreams as before. While writing my goals I realized that I could make them reality if I made a conscious effort to do so. So far I have completed a couple of small goals and started working towards bigger ones. Some of them are just for fun (ie. go out for ice cream), some are good for my health (ie. go to the gym), and some are vital to my wellbeing (ie. love myself). I am proud of myself for working to find the old me and changing myself for my new life as a mom.

July 27, 2008

Since I have yet to decide if I can commit to writing in two blogs I am just going to write about everything in this one right now. I really want to do a separate blog for my life as a mom and then maybe one on a baby website for Jacob but I don’t know if I will have the energy or time to take those things on. I am still deciding what I’m going to do once my maternity leave is over. Sometimes I think that I’d like to be a stay at home mom and then other times I think that I might like to go back to work, even if only part-time. Anyways, about today… I took Jacob to a children’s waterpark with my mom, my sister in law, her mom, and my nephew. There was also a playground area and Jacob played in the sand for the first time. Ok, well really I just covered his feet with sand but that counts right? He was full of smiles so I think he had lots of fun. As far as the list goes, I wrote my very first thank you card from my baby shower. I’m a little late (it was at the beginning of April) but I figure better late then never. I also still need to do Jacob’s birth announcements from the beginning of June. I am such a procrasinator. Well, it’s now the 28th and it should be noted that I am now 25 years old. The past few years have flown by me yet it doesn’t seem like much has been accomplished. I worked, had a baby, spent time with family but other than that did a whole lot of nothing. I decided the other day that I am not going to let another few years go by without any great personal growth. By July 28, 2011 I will be a better me. But right now that means ending this post and getting some much needed sleep.

My list

I visited the site http://triplux.com/dayzero/ where they encourage people to do 101 goals in 1001 days. I liked the idea but I changed it a bit for myself because I wanted to include many small things in my list. I was wanting to start on Monday which is my 25th birthday but I started two of the items early. Here’s my list-



  1. Keep a short-term to do list and complete items weekly
  2. Start a journal and journal at least every other day (0/548)
  3. Start a happy journal and identify 500 things that make me happy (0/500)
  4. Get a haircut every 3 months (0/12)
  5. Start and use a calendar
  6. Update my wardrobe with clothes that fit and I like
  7. Purchase wants: phone and videocamera
  8. Get a pedicure every other week in the summer (0/14)
  9. Have five “me” days a year (0/15)
  10. Write Avery a letter
  11. Make a list of 50 things I like about myself (0/50)
  12. Count clothing
  13. Find the perfect foundation in the right color
  14. Find great fitting jeans and buy them
  15. Dress up once a week even if I’m just staying home
  16. Get fitted for bras
  17. Find a ring I love and we can afford
  18. Get a facial
  19. Get eyebrows waxed
  20. Start tanning a few times a week
  21. Buy something for myself once a month
  22. Get a massage
  23. Spend money on five things I normally wouldn’t ie-peapod (0/5)
  24. Find acceptance in two private matters I’m struggling with
  25. Be more positive
  26. Be less critical of myself and others
  27. Be more patient
  28. Gossip less
  29. Love myself


  1. Lose 50 pounds
  2. Finish a 5k
  3. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week (0/468)
  4. Get my teeth fixed
  5. Go to 36 exercise classes (0/36)
  6. Keep track of my monthly cycle
  7. Drink one glass of water a day
  8. Take vitamins every day
  9. Do 100 push-ups (www.hundredpushups.com)
  10. Learn ten yoga poses (0/10)
  11. Go without caffeine for one week
  12. Develop a nightime routine and stick to it
  13. Go to dentist for cleaning twice a year (0/5)
  14. Find a primary care physician
  15. Go to eye doctor for a checkup
  16. Go to dermatologist to check moles
  17. Get a pap smear done once a year (0/2)


  1. Plan wedding and get married
  2. Have another baby in 2009/2010
  3. Cook dinner ten times for Sinisa (0/10)
  4. Write a letter to Sinisa once a month (0/36)
  5. Take 20 walks with Sinisa (0/20)
  6. Watch the sunrise
  7. Watch the sunset
  8. Do two romantic things for Sinisa a month (0/72)
  9. Have a date day/night once a month (0/36)
  10. Take dance lessons with Sinisa
  11. Complete ‘1000 Questions to Ask Before you get Married’ book (0/1001)
  12. Have a fire in the fireplace twice a winter (0/6)
  13. Dance at home with Sinisa
  14. Go on a romantic picnic once a summer (0/3)
  15. Go stargazing
  16. Listen to 50 of Sinisa’s favorite songs (0/50)
  17. Go to pre-marital counseling
  18. Take a carriage ride
  19. Kiss Sinisa: at midnight on New Year’s Eve, in the rain, under water, under mistletoe
  20. Buy Sinisa something he’s been wanting once a month
  21. Have a candlelight dinner


  1. Send birth announcements
  2. Write a letter to Jacob once a month (0/36)
  3. Read 1,000 books to Jacob (0/1000)
  4. Get professional pictures taken (0/19)
  5. Make all baby food unless traveling
  6. Take a photo of Jacob everyday
  7. Make and update monthly a growth chart for Jacob
  8. Complete baby book
  9. Order Jacob’s birth certificate
  10. Learn ten new songs to sing to Jacob
  11. Take Jacob to story time at the library
  12. Write Jacob’s birth story for his baby book
  13. Input list of Jacob’s “firsts” online and keep it updated
  14. Put snapfish pictures in group room
  15. Baby proof home
  16. Teach Jacob baby sign language
  17. Potty train Jake in 2009/2010
  18. Record 100 videos of Jacob and post online (0/100)


  1. Spend two days with each person in my immediate family (0/18)
  2. Visit with family once a week (0/156)
  3. Write a letter to 10 people who are important to me (0/10)
  4. Trace my family tree
  5. Contact each grandparent twice a year (0/30)
  6. Take a picture with ten people I love and write a paragraph about our relationship (0/10)
  7. Get a family picture taken twice a year (0/6)
  8. Send out Holiday cards and family updates each Christmas (0/3)
  9. Write thank-you’s for all gifts received


  1. Visit with college friends two times (0/2)
  2. Have a girl’s day/night once every other month (0/18)
  3. Organize a “young parents” meetup
  4. Host five parties at my house (0/5)
  5. Get in touch with three people I’ve lost contact with (0/3)
  6. Call someone once a month that isn’t family (0/36)
  7. Make five new friends (0/5)
  8. Host a Holiday cookie exchange
  9. Go out to a bar with a friend
  10. Attend a meetup for each group I’m in
  11. Become active in Mom’s of Infants group-at least two activities a month
  12. Become active in Bolingbrook mom’s group-at least two activities a month
  13. Write notes to my friends telling them what they mean to me


  1. Make a cleaning schedule and stick to it
  2. Organize bedroom
  3. Clean out file cabinets and keep them organized
  4. Finish decorating the nursery
  5. Clean closet and maintain
  6. Clean bathroom and maintain
  7. Buy fresh flowers for the house twice a month (0/72)
  8. Purchase items for home: desk and entertainment center
  9. Back five times a year (0/15)
  10. Make my desk area more usable
  11. Clean out under bed
  12. Sanitize all Jacob’s toys
  13. Go through magazines and purge then keep only ten
  14. Frame and hang pictures on family
  15. Clean and organize laundry room
  16. Go through green laundry bag and hem/fix or take to cleaners
  17. Hang framed art
  18. Reupholster chairs
  19. Fix carpeting by bathrooms and kitchen
  20. Paint bathroom walls
  21. Clean out closet in Jacob’s room
  22. Clean out storage closet
  23. Repaint blue dresser
  24. Have maintenance fix door and blinds
  25. Organize family life binder


  1. Finish bankruptcy
  2. Establish a 3 month emergency fund
  3. Talk to family member about taking care of Jacob in case of our deaths
  4. Draft living will
  5. Pay off Saturn loan (0/10 payments)
  6. Open a saving’s account
  7. Save for a down payment and move into a rent-to-own house
  8. Develop and stick to a budget for 3 months
  9. Call SM loan and create payment plan
  10. Call GL loan and create payment plan
  11. Call CB loan and create payment plan
  12. Listen to Dave Ramsey’s financial CDs
  13. Sell five things on ebay (0/5)
  14. Purchase a new car
  15. Look into renter’s insurance
  16. Get current with all bills
  17. Check credit reports once a year (0/3)
  18. Pay movie store fines
  19. Change car insurance companies
  20. Keep track of spending and checking accounts


  1. Get an Associate’s Degree
  2. Learn 100 words/sayings in Croatian (2/100)
  3. Take a photography class
  4. Learn how to change a tire
  5. Attend three workshops (0/3)
  6. Learn the sign language alphabet (0/26)
  7. Learn how to use five different exercise machines at the gym
  8. Apply to University
  9. Read or watch at least two news stories a day
  10. Get college transcripts
  11. Watch a documentary
  12. Research bpd
  13. Learn 50 new abortion facts I didn’t know


  1. Create a professional portfolio
  2. Write my resume
  3. Organize article file
  4. Find a flexible, well paying job


  1. Plan and take a vacation
  2. Go to the beach five times (0/5)
  3. Go camping twice (0/2)
  4. Go to California
  5. Visit a state I’ve never been to
  6. Visit family in New York
  7. Visit family in Pennsylvania
  8. Go on a boat
  9. Visit a botanical garden
  10. Spend a day downtown each summer (0/3)
  11. Go to an orchard and pick apples
  12. Go to an amusement park
  13. Take a road trip
  14. Go to the zoo
  15. Go to a waterpark
  16. Go to a museum
  17. Go to Navy Pier
  18. Go skiing
  19. Stay somewhere overlooking the water


  1. Erase songs on IPod that I don’t like
  2. Add songs to IPod monthly
  3. Create playlist on IPod for the gym
  4. See 25 movies I’ve never seen before
  5. Make a top 10 list of movies and songs
  6. Attend one concert a year (0/3)
  7. Attend 10 festivals (0/10)
  8. Go to a drive-in movie
  9. Spend a day watching a tv show marathon
  10. Go to a taping of the Oprah show
  11. See Blue Man Group


  1. Read all Nora Roberts books I own
  2. Start an online blog
  3. Read 50 parenting books
  4. Write a children’s book
  5. Catalog all books and organize them
  6. Write 10 reviews of places or services (www.lilaguide.com or http://www.yelp.com) (0/10)
  7. Participate in NaNoWrimo
  8. Write the book that’s been in my mind for years but first talk to HER about it
  9. Read 20 relationship books
  10. Subscribe to two magazines (0/2)
  11. Publish an article online or in print
  12. Try to get Morgan’s story published
  13. Publish something I’ve created through lulu.com
  14. Join a book club and read at least one book with them


  1. Setup a scrapbooking area
  2. Create scrapbooks for Jacob’s first 3 years
  3. Create scrapbook for my relationship with Sinisa
  4. Create scrapbook of college years
  5. Join and sing in a choir
  6. Make Jacob five things including: ABC book, teddy bear, family photo album
  7. Be an extra in a movie or tv show
  8. Organize pictures
  9. Audition for something
  10. Do a project from cutoutandkeep.net
  11. Take at least five pictures from each event I go to
  12. Relearn how to crochet
  13. Do Live Journal’s “A Day in My Life” photography project


  1. Volunteer 20 days of my time (0/20)
  2. Give away 100 items (0/100)
  3. Give blood once a year (0/3)
  4. Do 50 random acts of kindness (0/50)
  5. Tell a manager when I get good service
  6. Attend a pro-life event
  7. Become a CASA (court appointed special advocate)
  8. Participate in Holiday gift tree for a needy child
  9. Write a letter to a politician about abortion
  10. Release five books through bookcrossing.com (0/5)
  11. Use reusable shopping bags for small trips to the grocery store
  12. Replace light bulbs with energy efficient ones as they go out
  13. Look into recycling and start recycling cans
  14. Donate 50,000 grains of rice through freerice.com
  15. Anonymously pay for five strangers coffees or food (0/5)
  16. Re-sign up to be an organ donor
  17. Complete two March of Dimes Walks (0/2)
  18. Go through clothes and give away what I don’t want


  1. Read the whole Bible
  2. Tithe weekly (0/156)
  3. Find a church home
  4. Do devotions every day for a month (0/30)


  1. Watch fireworks live
  2. Go to a parade
  3. Drive around looking at Christmas lights and drinking hot cocoa
  4. Go mini-golfing
  5. Walk along the lakefront
  6. Decorate Easter eggs
  7. Play in the rain
  8. Go down a waterslide
  9. Shop at a Farmer’s Market
  10. Go bowling
  11. Make smores
  12. Draw with chalk on the sidewalk
  13. Go sledding
  14. Try 15 foods I’ve never tasted before
  15. Build a snowman
  16. Finish a 1000 piece puzzle
  17. Complete a Suduko book
  18. Mail a secret to postsecret
  19. Color in a coloring book
  20. Go swimming
  21. Play a board game
  22. Fly a kite
  23. Achieve a 30% winning percentage in solitaire
  24. Complete a crossword puzzle on my own
  25. Go horseback riding
  26. Plant flowers
  27. Race a go-kart
  28. Play laser tag
  29. Go pumpkin picking and carve the pumpkin
  30. Shop at a thrift store other than Goodwill
  31. Buy a lottery ticket
  32. Visit five new restaurants (0/5)
  33. Send out a message in a bottle
  34. Go out for ice cream
  35. Go to a sporting event
  36. Get a typing speed of 100wpm at typeracer.com
  37. Register $5 at wheresGeorge.com


  1. Create and maintain a list of favorite websites
  2. Create and maintain a list of my online profiles
  3. Clean off computer hard drive
  4. Empty email inbox and keep it empty
  5. Setup google applications
  6. Organize pictures on the computer
  7. Add pictures to flickr account
  8. Update all online profiles
  9. Start a blog and blog at least twice a week


  1. Wash car inside and out twice a year (0/6)
  2. Get oil changed four times a year (0/12)
  3. Renew license plates (0/2)
  4. Update address book
  5. Get a new passport
  6. Get a new license