School Supplies Shipped To You {And A Giveaway}

Though it’s only the beginning of July, my mind has started thinking about back to school season. With that comes preparing for a new year with new clothes for the boys and fresh school supplies. I love shopping for the outfits but the school supply shopping is not nearly as fun. I was excited to find out about The Write Stuff, a company that creates school supply kits.

Whoever thought of this idea deserves some gold stars! I love the convenience of these kits because they are designed {by the teachers} specifically for each school and grade level. I liked that the kits included top brands like Crayola, Elmer’s and Mead because they are the same products I would buy for my boys if I was shopping in the store. I also think it’s great that they come in a box with a handle so they are easy to transport the first day of school.

The Write Stuff offers a couple different programs for schools so if you are on the PTA or PTO listen up! If your child’s school has parents willing to volunteer the school can gather the orders and ship them to the school for distribution. Another option for schools is that they can have parents order online and then have orders shipped home or to school. {Our preschool isn’t on the participating school list but so excited to see our grade school on the list!}

If your school doesn’t participate you can still take part in this great program! Some schools’ kits are preloaded on the website for home delivery but if they aren’t parents can shop “a la cart” and build their own kit. The supplies are then shipped to your home. Wouldn’t it be great if instead of shopping those last days of summer you could actually be enjoying them and making some memories with your kids?

Want a chance to win your own sample kit full of school supplies? Thought so!


One person will win a sample school supply kit from The Write Stuff


Share your best back-to-school prep tip


Share this giveaway on a social network

Giveaway ends July 13, 2012 at 11:59pm Central Time. US only.

(Disclosure: I received a sample supply kit from The Write Stuff but all thoughts are my own.)

149 thoughts on “School Supplies Shipped To You {And A Giveaway}

  1. I check all the sales ads and get everything at the best possible prices! I’ve already bought markers and crayons from the Toys R Us BOGO free sale this week! :)

  2. My best tip is to start early and shop when things are on sale! I try to shop for school supplies after school is already in session for a while and stock up for the next year.

  3. My tip is to take the kids out individually to get back to school shopping done. They like the one on one time and it helps you focus on one child at a time.

  4. my best tip for back to school is start now…..I already got a great deal of sneakers for my son


  5. I always start early. I have been buying back to school clothes for a few weeks now and will hopefully have most of it done by the end of july.

  6. Back to school tip: Assess what you have before you buy new. Buy a high quality, washable backpack that you can use for several years and / or pass down to a brother or sister. For example, our family still uses our daughter’s Lands’ End backpack from middle school – and she’s completed her master’s degree.

  7. I buy most things for the following year after the current years stuff goes on clearance (doesn’t work well on clothes I know) but for supplies you could never have enough crayons, folders, paper or spirals.

  8. my best tip is to shop early with the kids and let them choose debbie jackson,
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  9. My best tip is to shop year-round for school supplies and stock up when they’re cheap. Keep it all organized and it’s easy to do back-to-school shopping from your own stock! marthalynn16 at gmail

  10. My best back to school shopping tip is to make sure you have a list of what they exactly need so that you are not buying unused products or over buying. Always look for sales and bargains.. Thanks

  11. My tip and what we do is at least a week before school starts we work on our routine; getting up when we would for school, eating at the same times (most of the time you can find out when lunch time will be), bedtime and go over things learned the previous year.

  12. My best tip is to start buying school supplies now. Many of the office supplies stores have sales throughout the summer. Also, let the kids pick out their supplies. They’ll be more excited about using them if they choose them.

  13. I actually shop a year ahead. I grab the school list for my kids’ next grade level and once school has started and the stores are putting everything 75-90% off, I stock up and store it away.

  14. we like to buy a couple things a week even if they are small so we don’t get slammed trying to buy everything at once

  15. make sure you stock up on school supplies for the whole year when the sales are good- and they are about to start
    tcogbill at live dot com

  16. My best tip is to start going to bed early and waking up by alarm starting a week before school starts. Make sure all supplies are together and clothes ready ahead of time. Thanks!

  17. I buy supplies early and stock up. Sometimes I have too much, but I’d rather have too much then end up paying full price!

  18. Get the school list early, and watch the sales. If you need to, you can buy a little at a time if you start early, instead of having to come up with the money for everything the weekend before school starts.

  19. Start having your child go to bed early about 2 weeks before school starts, so they can get used to going to bed early & waking up early. No more late nights up & sleeping in!!

  20. My best tips.. make sure and shop throughout the year. Lots of school clothes can be purchased at more than 50% off during off seasons. And make sure to pick up school supplies slowly as they are on sale. You’ll have plenty when school starts because of all the competition in prices!

  21. Check the weekly circular for what stores have the best prices and I start buying school supplies in the summer, whenever they go on sale.

  22. buy extra supplies while they are on sale because mid year you’ll have to replenish items like paper and pencils.

  23. I don’t have the best back-to-school prep tip. I just reuse the school supply as much as I can, also collect all coupons and wait for the good sales!

  24. Keep a copy of your school supply list in your purse that way you won’t miss any good sales as you are out running errands.

  25. When buying, buy twice as much as you need. Then when they go back to school in January, You will have fresh supplies with out going to the store. This way you are able to get the best possible prices. Don’t forget to buy up poster board! It never fails your child will need a piece at 8pm for the next day!!!

  26. I watch the sales all summer and stock up on things crazy cheap! That way when the teacher needs more crayons or pencils midway through the year I already have them.

  27. I try to shop off season when school supplies are on clearance, for the next year.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  28. Always buy enough school supplies in July for the entire year. You don’t want to be stuck getting folders or something in December when they are triple the price!

  29. I buy ahead of time. A lot of time I buy the year before after things for on clearance. Also make sure I know when the back to school sales start so I can hit them for anything else I might need.

  30. Get the kids excited for back-to-school time by going school supply shopping. Getting a new backpack helps, too.

  31. My best tip is to start early purchasing everything you need. Have a running list at home and write down everything you need and check off as you get it.

  32. my best tip is, if able, get the supply list at the end of the previous year, that way throughout the summer when you find a great deal you can purchase what you need!

  33. My best tip is to get your kids back into a routine a couple of weeks before school starts. This will help the adjustment be much easier

  34. My tip is to start to prepare early, start gathering supplies a month or two prior and start getting the kids back into the habbit of waking up early at least a week prior.

  35. Start early & buy the things you KNOW they’ll need, & try to break-up the purchases over time so that it won’t be a killer right when school starts. (Because there’s ALWAYS stuff you find out you have to buy right @ the end!) And use lay-away (for clothes & stuff) whenever possible!!!((1955nursehjc4me(at)myway(dot)com))

  36. My best tip is go to Walmart in August and get everything you need for really cheap.Even cheaper than the Dollar Store. I used to take my daughter and get lots of glue,notebooks,pencils,etc. Then we would buy a lof extras and get a back pack for a girl or boy and fill it up and take it to the homeless shelter for women and children to give to them.

  37. My best tip is to first look around your children’s rooms and even their backpacks. I always do this before shopping as there are supplies isn these places that they had left from the previous year. It really helps the budget as I only have to buy what they may not already have.
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  38. I always check their backpsacks from the last year as well as their rooms to see if there are any supplies they can use this year. I thien buy what is left of their lists.
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  39. My tip is to use what you have at home and go through your kids supply box that they bring home at the end of the school year. If its still in good and working condition, no need to buy another and then make a list of what you need to buy. I also keep an eye out for the ads and check them out online too. And buy early. Don’t wait til the week before school, because selection will be scarce!

  40. My best tip is to wait until you get your child’s list from the teacher. You can call the school during the summer and get it early. That way you buy exactly what you need and no money is wasted. There are sales all the time.

  41. As a home schooling parent of 4,I can say my best tip is to over buy supplies now.get them while on sale as the normal prices will kill the pocketbook.Thanks

  42. My best summer tip is, if you are a teacher, many of the office places (Staples, Office Depot, etc) will ignore limits and let you stock up!

  43. This is my first year needed to worry about supplies… I carry the list on my phone, and when I see good deals, I pick them up. Hope it’s a good tactic.

  44. I buy supplies as soon as I see them on sale, usually late July to avoid the crowds later on.
    repose4jr at gmail dot com

  45. tweeted

  46. uy when its on sale, buy enough for school science, new semester and next summer and then to donate- big difference between 10cent pad of paper now and 2.00 in Nov- store in clear bin

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