My First Menu Plan Monday

I have never attempted a menu plan for my family before because I don’t cook. (Well, ok, I cook but not much) I have been thinking a lot about my toddler’s schedule this weekend and have decided that 1) I want him to have more structure  2) I want him to eat a larger variety of healthy foods 3) I wanted him to snack less throughout the day. The first step I am implementing is a menu plan. I work Monday-Friday outside of the home so my children are home with either their dad or their sitter (but mostly dad). While spending some fabulous alone time together this weekend he told me that he would love if I came up with a list of foods that are toddler friendly because he wanted to feed Jacob different foods but didn’t know what to make. We decided that each week I would create a menu for him to follow.

Please note that dinner is made by my father (who we live with) because he loves to cook and used to have a restaurant so in this case I believe in “if something ain’t broke, don’t fix it” :) The dinner listing will be very general because I know the main dish but that’s about it. I will also be only planning Monday through Friday because our weekends vary but include a lot of leftovers and eating at places other than our home.


Breakfast- Pancakes w/ Syrup, Peaches, Milk

AM Snack- Graham Crackers and Juice

Lunch- Cheese Quesadillas, Beans, Apple Slices, Milk

PM Snack- Dried Kiwi Slices

Dinner- Fish, Side Dish, Veggie, Milk


Breakfast- Eggs with Cheese, Sausage Links, Strawberries, Milk

AM Snack- Muffin, Applesauce, Juice

Lunch- Ham and Cheese Sandwich on Wheat Bread, Grapes, Milk

PM Snack- Ritz Bitz Sandwich Crackers and Juice

Dinner- Leftovers


Breakfast- Waffle with Jelly, Blueberries, Milk

AM Snack- Orange and Water

Lunch- Pizza Bagels, Dried Mango Slices, Milk

PM Snack- Sweet Potato Puffs and Juice

Dinner- Meal at Church


Breakfast- Grits w/ Brown Sugar and Raisins, Cinnamon Apples, Milk

AM Snack- Nutrigrain Bar and Juice

Lunch- Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Banana, Millk

PM Snack- Pudding

Dinner- Chicken, Side Dish, Veggie, Milk


Breakfast- Cheerios, Banana, Milk

AM Snack- Granola Bar and Juice

Lunch- Grilled Cheese, Pears, Milk

PM Snack- Apple Slices w/ Peanut Butter, Juice

Dinner- Fettuccine Alfredo, Veggie, Milk

Obviously I need some help planning healthy, toddler friendly meals. I plan on researching more on this topic in the next couple of weeks but am happy that I have a plan for the week. I will go shopping tomorrow night for the ingredients that I am missing.

If you have any ideas or know of any resources that you could lead me to that would be great. One fabulous resource that I have found is and I am linking this post up to her “Menu Planning Monday” roundup. Check it out for some great meal ideas :)

5 thoughts on “My First Menu Plan Monday

  1. I think it is a great meal plan. The only thing I would change is dried fruit. In my opinion they tend to have alot of sugar. They take out all of the natural sugars. I would maybe do fresh veggies instead. Of course it is my opinion. Otherwise I think it is great!!!

  2. I think it’s a great idea to feed your toddler new and different foods! When my son was small, one of his favorite snacks was fresh broccoli, believe it or not! (I used to pick it right from the garden and give it to him!) Not exciting, but you’d be surprised how many kids don’t eat vegetables – because they’ve never learned to like them!

  3. We continually introduce food to our almost 3 yr old, some things work, some things we RE-introduce.
    Out favorite easy snacks are yogurt,cheese, fresh and canned fruit (we to stay away from dried, but just double chk the ingredient list for sugar/corn syrup) I only buy 100% juice, then dilute it with 1/2 water, he doesnt know the difference and it lasts longer, graham crackers, vanilla wafers, fresh veggies, I try cutting them different ways, he will eat carrot sticks, but not carrot coins (crazy!) I also give him a little dipping bowl (think medicine cup) of ranch dressing, you would be amazed at what he will eat with it!
    Good luck!

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